I've just realized how long it's been since I've posted anything. I've just been procrastinating about it.
A few things to hit up on, 1) Seattle, 2) Anna, 3) Other friends, 4) School, 5) Something I might've forgot to post on here, but I want to say anyway.
1) Seattle. Beautiful as always. I love that place more than anything. It's just so magical to me that it's rather indescribable. I saw my family of course, my sister Michelle, her husband, and my nephew, Brayden, 8, and my niece, Katelynn, who just turned 1. Katelynn is an amazingly smart 1 year old, and knows a bit of sign language so she can communicate with you. My nephew is so much like me when I was younger. But he's starting to mellow down a bit, which is great. You see, when I was younger, if someone beat me at a game, I would literally flip over the board and run into my room and pout for 10 minutes. He also, like I was, doesn't realize that everybody else isn't as intelligent as he is, which, you know, isn't exactly a great thing. He also has a very particular sense of style and is hard to shop for. But I understand his style and what he's looking for, so we took him shopping and everything that I picked out he liked. That was fun and all, but I also got to see a lot of friends this trip. The first was my lifelong friend, Maddy, whom spent the Saturday with me and my family. That was rather fun and she showed me some pretty wicked sites (http://senorgif.memebase. com/, http://thinkgeek.com)
Sunday was a really fun day; my nieces 1st birthday party! Some fun people were there, and I stole an 8 year olds hat, the cake was really cute and yummy, and my niece got one of those cars that you pedal around with your feet. Katelynn LOVED it and would rarely get out of it the whole time we were up there. She's adorable.
Me in Kaden's panda hat ^-^
Then Monday, I met up at The Golden Corral with my childhood best friend, Nichelle. It was pleasant, but her mom took up most of the talking, which wasn't boring, but wasn't what I expected persay. Just catching up for the most part.
This is me and Nichelle. (She;'s the one with the hat on)
Tuesday I spent out with my parents having dinner with a good family friend, and then playing a really fun game that I hadn't played before, although the name escapes me.
Wednesday was spent mostly at home until 6:30, then I went to mutual with my friend Maddy and was back by 9.
And Thursday I spent from 3:30-7:45 at my friend Evan's house with Maddy and some other friends (Kyle, Danielle, and Tyler). That was the most fun that I had had since.... last summer sometime. And his mom got us pizza! :D haha.

The first is me and a giant spider on my head, The second is me with an akasuki cloak on and Maddy behind me. The reason I look so weird? Well, I was going to do a signature super hero pose, and then I was yelling at Maddy right as Evan took it, so... XD The third is me eating Maddy's arm! We were at Tyler's house (which is two doors down) seeing if he could come and play! <3 :) And so, Danielle knocked on the door, and then he came out, and we were all staring at him and we're like "Come play with us...." @-@..... XD
Then the last one is when everyone else except me and Evan were gone (cause it was Evan's house ya know...) and I have a ball of aluminum foil in my mouth. My left hand's fingers look very broken XD
Friday, I was supposed to meet a friend named Beth, but my parents wouldn't let me cause I had been out too much that week. But it would've been the shortest time out of all, and they could've arranged it too. Yeah, I'm really disappointed about that, but I'll probably be able to meet her when we go back up in June. So that was the day we took Brayden shopping. Then, Michelle and Kris (her husband), went to a lock down with the youth in their church (they're the youth pastors). We stayed home of course and played monopoly. My sister won. Then a little later, I web cam chatted with Evan and Beth for the better part of an hour, and then went to bed.
Saturday was the day we were leaving, but we went to Burger King for a 4/7 (It was 2 birthdays) year olds birthday party. XD Their parents are good friends of Kris and Michelle's, and we'd gotten to know them quite a bit, so we were invited as well. Then from there we went to Seattle to catch our plane. And, yes, I wore a Burger King crown all the way home!! XD

The first is me and Katelynn, the next is Brayden, my mom, my dad, Me, Katelynn, and my sister Cora.
And this is me at home as I threaten you with my power of summoning banana's. X3
Dose, Anna. She's coming next weekend (the 18th). This is the list of things that we're going to do ^-^
I know, I know. We're a bit nutso. But we like it that way. So deal.
A few things to hit up on, 1) Seattle, 2) Anna, 3) Other friends, 4) School, 5) Something I might've forgot to post on here, but I want to say anyway.
1) Seattle. Beautiful as always. I love that place more than anything. It's just so magical to me that it's rather indescribable. I saw my family of course, my sister Michelle, her husband, and my nephew, Brayden, 8, and my niece, Katelynn, who just turned 1. Katelynn is an amazingly smart 1 year old, and knows a bit of sign language so she can communicate with you. My nephew is so much like me when I was younger. But he's starting to mellow down a bit, which is great. You see, when I was younger, if someone beat me at a game, I would literally flip over the board and run into my room and pout for 10 minutes. He also, like I was, doesn't realize that everybody else isn't as intelligent as he is, which, you know, isn't exactly a great thing. He also has a very particular sense of style and is hard to shop for. But I understand his style and what he's looking for, so we took him shopping and everything that I picked out he liked. That was fun and all, but I also got to see a lot of friends this trip. The first was my lifelong friend, Maddy, whom spent the Saturday with me and my family. That was rather fun and she showed me some pretty wicked sites (http://senorgif.memebase.
Sunday was a really fun day; my nieces 1st birthday party! Some fun people were there, and I stole an 8 year olds hat, the cake was really cute and yummy, and my niece got one of those cars that you pedal around with your feet. Katelynn LOVED it and would rarely get out of it the whole time we were up there. She's adorable.

Then Monday, I met up at The Golden Corral with my childhood best friend, Nichelle. It was pleasant, but her mom took up most of the talking, which wasn't boring, but wasn't what I expected persay. Just catching up for the most part.

Tuesday I spent out with my parents having dinner with a good family friend, and then playing a really fun game that I hadn't played before, although the name escapes me.
Wednesday was spent mostly at home until 6:30, then I went to mutual with my friend Maddy and was back by 9.
And Thursday I spent from 3:30-7:45 at my friend Evan's house with Maddy and some other friends (Kyle, Danielle, and Tyler). That was the most fun that I had had since.... last summer sometime. And his mom got us pizza! :D haha.

The first is me and a giant spider on my head, The second is me with an akasuki cloak on and Maddy behind me. The reason I look so weird? Well, I was going to do a signature super hero pose, and then I was yelling at Maddy right as Evan took it, so... XD The third is me eating Maddy's arm! We were at Tyler's house (which is two doors down) seeing if he could come and play! <3 :) And so, Danielle knocked on the door, and then he came out, and we were all staring at him and we're like "Come play with us...." @-@..... XD
Then the last one is when everyone else except me and Evan were gone (cause it was Evan's house ya know...) and I have a ball of aluminum foil in my mouth. My left hand's fingers look very broken XD
Friday, I was supposed to meet a friend named Beth, but my parents wouldn't let me cause I had been out too much that week. But it would've been the shortest time out of all, and they could've arranged it too. Yeah, I'm really disappointed about that, but I'll probably be able to meet her when we go back up in June. So that was the day we took Brayden shopping. Then, Michelle and Kris (her husband), went to a lock down with the youth in their church (they're the youth pastors). We stayed home of course and played monopoly. My sister won. Then a little later, I web cam chatted with Evan and Beth for the better part of an hour, and then went to bed.
Saturday was the day we were leaving, but we went to Burger King for a 4/7 (It was 2 birthdays) year olds birthday party. XD Their parents are good friends of Kris and Michelle's, and we'd gotten to know them quite a bit, so we were invited as well. Then from there we went to Seattle to catch our plane. And, yes, I wore a Burger King crown all the way home!! XD

The first is me and Katelynn, the next is Brayden, my mom, my dad, Me, Katelynn, and my sister Cora.

And this is me at home as I threaten you with my power of summoning banana's. X3
Dose, Anna. She's coming next weekend (the 18th). This is the list of things that we're going to do ^-^
I know, I know. We're a bit nutso. But we like it that way. So deal.
Oh, and here are my faves from our most recent photo shoot. ^-^
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This one is now her profile picture ^-^ |
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This one, a semi-professional photographer helped me edit. |
Ok, now I need to meet Anna. Now, please.